Want a glowing reputation in your business and among your clients? Learn the basics of PR first!
The definition of PR is: good works well publicized. Therefore, if you’ve done something good, you need to let others know about it. This makes for easier and smoother working relations. PR is the “grease” that makes the wheel turn easier, especially when trying to sell a new idea. Without it, you’ll have to sell yourself first and then your idea.
Simply doing good things or producing great products is not enough. You need to publicize these to gain credibility and agreement with others so as to influence them positively…. Go ahead brag about it, you did a great job, let your reputation precede you for a change. It will pay off later.
Have you ever had a great idea, but didn't know how to communicate it? Or have you been afraid of getting an idea shot down, so you never even brought it up? Do others tend to focus on you and not your ideas or what you're saying? Or do you ever feel the need to exaggerate or even lie to get your point across?
If so, you may need a PROM or a Public Relations Optimization Makeover!
But how do you get others to listen to and agree with your ideas? With REALITY that’s how.
Reality is the level of agreement you share with others. If you see something and believe it is a certain way and your co-worker or client does not, you are out of agreement. You share no reality on that topic or idea you are discussing. Therefore, no amount of sales talk would close the deal at that point. The talks may even end in a bitter argument or may get personal. You may wonder what happened or where it went wrong.
Be real. Don't lie.
Two words: Tiger Woods. I love Tiger Woods as a golfer, but as a PR man he blew it. He lied and lied some more and then some more, and they all (the lies) finally caught up with him and swamped him and his career. The only way back for him is with the truth and reality. And then we can all agree again that he is the best. At that point, he will once again be able to communicate to us and we will listen and he will win. So, in public relations, NEVER LIE. It's the fastest way to career suicide I know.
How do we find out what's “real” to the public? ASK! Ask people plenty of questions until you know what they’re thinking. Then you can give them what they want at a level they can understand.
A survey is done to find out what is real to the certain person or public or demographic you are trying to influence. You need to know what their reality is to communicate to them more effectively and therefore gain broader agreement and credibility for you and your ideas.
So what if your reputation is already poor? What should you do?
Perhaps you or your company has suffered from a negative PR problem already and you're facing an uphill battle. Perhaps the gossipers have been gossiping and the rumor mongers have been mongering. Perhaps office politics are a part of your office culture.
There is a way out:
- Speak up.
- Disprove the lies and the rumors.
- Speak up more and make your good works known more broadly!
- Repeat steps 1-3. Speak louder and prouder and you will arrive in the PRZZ (PR Zen Zone) and life and your work will be easier….
In summary, your PROM should result in a PRZZ.
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